Monday 26 December 2011

Just Add Imagination

Imagination sometimes costs nothing to generate. But it can change government, sell products and impact the world in many other ways; it is almost limitless.

Smart politicians

“New Labour” by Tony Blair, “Change” by Obama and “Big Society” by Cameron are all clever ideas. They are clever because they are vague and subject to interpretation. All the hearers will add their own imagination. Everyone sees what he/she expects to see. Give people a vague picture and they will “fill in the blanks” using imagination. With a little nudge by the leaders, many people willingly see positive things from those vague terms. Some do not. But with these ideas being vague, they can’t do much harm anyway.

Commercial use of imagination

What does Coca Cola tell you in their advertisements? They don't tell you how good Coca Cola tastes. They show you happy faces. It is up to you to associate those happy faces with Coca Cola. Your imagination does all the work for them.

Similar techniques are used in other advertisements, such as cigarettes. They don't tell you how good the products are. They just invoke your imagination.

Imagination is magical!

Imagination doesn’t cost anything. It almost have no limits. If you want it to, it can add values to leadership, commercial products, personal relationship, share prices and many more things in our life. It can also add negative values through fear, hatred, misunderstanding, etc.


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